Saturday, February 14, 2009

Ipods and Diamond Rings

hey guys i have a new camera so i can post a lot now!!! yay! ok so this is k'lee and her new ipod... which magically changed colors from green to blue.... so ya here is the green one...

haha and here is natalie and her hot pink ipod case!!!! ahahahaha its pink! sorry nat that is just so amusing to me... anyway she got this 16 gig ipod and that makes me jelious so i can tease her... ^^

and here is me with mine... 2 gigs and four years old, it has done me wonders. it is the key for me to get from this world to a world of my own. i love my ipod and my music a lot. thanks to everyone that made sure i didnt lose it and a double thanks to anyone who helped me find it when i did. even though i love it as much as i do i think that its almost time for it to retire, only because i have filled it up almost twice now.

this is my mom showing off her diamond ring that dad got fixed for. it was the sweetest thing that i had ever seen. i love how my perants love eachother.


JJCC said...

Yeah your back!!!

Captain Zendrion said...

yes i know long time no see!